Hobart Loop Tour : Hobart - Poatina - Swansea (AUS_TTC 1)

Star Rating Graphic (5) 393 kms
BBR-David | January 13, 2017 | Oceania > Australia Motorcycle Roads > Tasmania
Motorcycle Road 2 Photos Available

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Corners Star Rating Graphic (5)
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SceneryStar Rating Graphic (5)
VisibilityStar Rating Graphic (4)
Road SurfaceStar Rating Graphic (4)
HazardsStar Rating Graphic (4)
Police Presence Star Rating Graphic (2)


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January 13, 2017 - Star Rating Graphic

This 430km tour starts and ends in the area of Hobart. Most of this route travels through forests, past historic towns, conservation areas or by the sea so there is no shortage of great scenery and vistas. The route itself is made up of local favourite roads. To begin we leave to the east towards Buckland on a road with nice curves and follow the A3 coast road north to Swansea where there is a nice view of Coles and Oyster bay. After that we travel west through more forest and past some lakes on the B24 to Campbell Town, then take the twisty minor road to Poatina. After Poatina there is a nice section of turns then the road takes us through beautiful great lake area. Between Bothwell on the A5 is the Steppes Historic Site. This large state reserve is a kind of museum to the areas historic buildings and cultural way of life. Eventually we arrive at Hamilton and from here we take the awesome C615 to Molesworth and back to Hobart a real joy at the end of the route.

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