A835 : Tore - Ullapool - Ledmore

Star Rating Graphic (4.22) 94 kms
BBR-David | January 2, 2005 | Europe > United Kingdom Motorcycle Roads > Highland (Scotland)
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Corners Star Rating Graphic (4.6)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.7)
StraightsStar Rating Graphic (3.2)
SceneryStar Rating Graphic (4.6)
VisibilityStar Rating Graphic (3.7)
Road SurfaceStar Rating Graphic (3.8)
HazardsStar Rating Graphic (2.9)
Police Presence Star Rating Graphic (2.3)


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May 25, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

Heads Up Guys...A835 14 miles north of Ullapool at Elphin, nice straight. Some locals have complained to Plod about some bikers exceeding the 40 in Elphin, as a result speed traps now possible just after each end of staight near Elphin Tea Rooms

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May 24, 2012 - Star Rating Graphic

Hard to say anything thats not already been said. Add this road to any highland trip you will not be disappointed. Check your tyres they are going to be working very hard.

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October 27, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

This is my favourite Scottish road. It is well surfaced, wide and fast.Just give it a try! You will not be disappointed.Never seen a police presence

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February 12, 2008 - Star Rating Graphic

Ullapool is an excellent base for a several days to ride the Northwest. If you want some more spectacular scenery, I would suggest on the way north to take the offshoot roads, in particular, the single track to the Summer Isles at Achiltibuie and loop around the peninsula. Instead of backtracking to the A835, take the southern road into Lochinver (newly paved). Stop for lunch at the Lochinver Pie Shop at the far end of town.
From Lochinver, the turn left on the B869 to Soer, Nedd. This leads back to the A894.

On the A894 north again and midway between Scourie and Badnabay there is another single track to Tarbet (theres a fine cafe in Tarbert for topping up) and then onto Fanagmore. This loop is absolutely stunning and winds back to the A894.

After all the single tracks, youll be ready a searing ride back along the A894 and A835 to Ullapool.

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August 3, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

This is where it gets really good. Tore is around 7 miles from Inverness and from there, we generally head out on the A835 to Ullapool (signposted). It is generally free and clear from this point on. It blew my socks off my first trip here on up - and it still does, everytime. There are a couple of good poison palaces (roadside cafes) if you pass through during the daytime but expect not a lot at night. It is spectacular from here through the Strathgrave and then Garbat forests. You come to the Altguish Inn on the RH side of the A835, round a left-hander, head up a slight rise and then hit some of the best bends any biker could ask for along the side of Loch Glascarnoch - you will know them when you get there. Awesome. Real showstoppers which sent a shiver up my spine the first time I saw them - they just keep on coming and coming and are so enjoyable taken at a good pace that you want to turn round and do them all over again. And we do. The road is superb; not much tourist traffic and what there is you can tramp past. Big sweepers, some twisties and Braemore comes up fairly soon and then Inverlael which is the beginning of Little Loch Broom on your left. Through some sweepers along the side of the Loch and through Ardcharnich then you are dropping down through the bends into Ullapool. Just as you come in, there is a garage on the right, which is open during the summer till around 19:30hrs. Be careful if you are relying on this for a pitstop as I'm not sure whether they change their closing hours from summer to winter. Winter closing for some of the garages, cafes and shops this far north can be around 16:00 so bear it in mind. We normally tank up at the garage there just to be sure - they have a good range of basics such as beer, wine, bread, milk, tinned stuff etc. that will get you a simple supper and during the summer, we normally grab a few cold beers out of the chiller cabinet to be enjoyed at journeys end (Inverkirkaig).

March 11, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

I first did this route by mistake. I was coming from Durness after starting at Inverness and riding the coast route anti-clockwise. I was on the last leg and should've turned left at Leadmore junction but sort of missed it! Must have been the views. So I carried on to the outskirts of Inverness and found the A835 to Ullapool. It was about a 70 mile detour, D'Oh! Time was pressing on and the light was fading, it was the end of March and about 19;30 so I pushed on a bit, what a revelation this road was. Passing through wide open expanses then through forested stretches with the wonderful smell of damp pine trees. It was just fantastic. The big hotel on the right just as you get into Ullapool was great to. I got a balcony room overlooking Loch Broom for £28.50! (that was in 2004). It poured down the next day and the road was just as good.

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November 10, 2005 - Star Rating Graphic

This route is a little boring at first, but if you persevere you gradualy get drawn in as the road gets twistier, until you find youself on the highest section alongside the loch. Glance down at the speedo and you suddenly see an instant ban looming, but the bends on this stretch are so damn good you have to ignore it. Anyway you have time too cool down on the run into Ullapool and a pint at the Ferryboat Inn.

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January 5, 2005 - Star Rating Graphic

Be aware of the relatively high numbers of deer on or near this road. The initial section when travelling from the south is well known for more accidents. Once you pass Garve the road opens up and sightlines increase dramatically. Be wary of tourists - there are lots. Enjoy Navrig

January 2, 2005 - Star Rating Graphic

Lots of nice straights with a few nice corners thrown in. A nice high speed run, not much in the way of police presence normally, but be aware that there may be the occassional speed trap

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