SS323 : Monte Amiata Scalo - Roccalbegna - Scansano - Albinia

Star Rating Graphic (3.5) 86 kms
BBR-David | January 16, 2006 | Europe > Italy Motorcycle Roads > Umbria/Toscana/Marche

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Corners Star Rating Graphic (4.5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (2.1)
StraightsStar Rating Graphic (2.5)
SceneryStar Rating Graphic (4)
VisibilityStar Rating Graphic (3)
Road SurfaceStar Rating Graphic (3)
HazardsStar Rating Graphic (2.5)
Police Presence Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
March 19, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

Rural road running up Amiata Mountain with wonderfull envroiment. The road surface is not perfect, but is very difficult to spot car.For touring. Amiata Mountain is a summer tourism location.

January 16, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

Follow the 323 down fron Triana towards Albinia via Scansano and Magliano. This is a nice twisty section towards the picturesque Monte Argentario peninsula.

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