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UK to Italy enjoying France

Posted on February 14, 2021 by SteveC3
Posted on February 16, 2021 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8806)

The attached graphic is a screenshot from this site showing an overall of all recommended routes.

As previously discussed you can see there are lots of recommended routes shown in the areas mentioned.

The trip builder allows you to build a new route with all these routes shown.

If you prefer not to become a sponsor, you can simply view that data here:

All the best


Posted on February 18, 2021 by SteveC3 (Member Score: 0)

Thanks David. I'll pick up a Michelin map and start plotting routes. I remember many many years ago heading through the Grande massif central. That was a nice trip. I may try and recreate that section by heading down South on the West side of Paris. I was hoping to do this trip on May. Doesn't look likely now. September maybe?

Posted on February 21, 2021 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8806)

Here is the image I wanted to post in the last comment but I discovered a bug there and needed to get it fixed :)

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Posted on April 14, 2021 by wildbad (Member Score: 0)

Screw Covid restrictions...take your trip! There are some great possibilities for your route. I'm a yank living in southern Germany in the Black Forest. I've always loved France but last year took a trip with some pals all the way to Galicia and discovering the innards of France was revelatory! The suggestion above mentioning the Voges mountains was good but since you want to remain in france go south from those loveley roads toward Geneva through the Jura area. Perfect winding scenic roads with just the right combination of being there and getting there. Just south of Geneva you will have some of the most difficult decisions of your life. Boiled down it comes down to heading into the alps and taking the Napoleonic Route through the alps down to Genoa or heading south from Geneva and swinging in a slow eastward arc to your goal. The mountains are their own order of spectacular but the hill country, especially directly below Geneva are breathtaking on a moto. Either way, if you can plan an extra day it will take off the destination pressure and you can disperse your pleasure between cafes and bars and canyons to live your dream. The rushing past mentality of my youth was exciting but France should not be rushed through. Have a blast!

Posted on June 18, 2022 by bikerpaul68 (Member Score: 0)

Not sure if you're still planning the trip but ... I've lived in Alsace for 30 years and my favourite nearby areas in France are the Jura (French plus Swiss) and the Vercors. But it does depend on weather and time of year. Both areas can be very cold and wet in spring and autumn, but pleasantly cool in summer.

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